Thursday 15 September 2016

Another kind of murder ( trigger warning)

i search for phrases 
to place, this one act, to explain, 
even just to begin to  name...
Unwanted Sex ?
sounds like food left congealing on a plate.
his every spat word is lodged in my solar plexus,
my body aches.

the bruises between my thighs have faded
but towering  clouds  of the same colour
hover at the entrance
to any sentence
uttered by others.
an innocent may mouth the words
'it is your duty to protect. you must report it'.

im in a state of constant crouch.
Sexual Assault ?
sounds like a poked finger and recoiling a nasty smell.
im vomiting, copiously,  jack hammer shaking
on the bathroom floor with the theme tune to Eastenders
coming from an open window somewhere.
Getting off the train for work,  one station in
because the press of suits and a tiny caught whiff
of a popular aftershave
is heaving  and stumbling me,
on to a platform,
gasping ,
for the  space of

just me

and the whole world
can just fuck off.

Yes, i go to work,
i smile at strangers, searching furtively,
for hidden indicators of violence.
because i, of all people, should have known.
i have mouths to feed,
those who will become my walking wounded.
i lean in to kiss my child goodnight and flinch, as his hand,
unexpectedly, curls in my hair.
im numb, skin peeled, rage ripped and confused.

my sleep is feral, snatched and guarded
and never with the light off.
learning to live on Defcon 5
inside and out.
Checking the locks, several times a night
inside and out,
even though it was a sunny,
summer bank-holiday afternoon
and a friend, 
so not Date Rape then.

This and more, goes on for months.
i lose thirty one pounds and everyone tells me
im looking great.
i recount the moves and count again
how many times and where  and how can it be
that EveryThing
has changed ?
Even my own face, here, in the mirror is gone,
and i am somehow still here,  

is the same
and just then I realise,
the word is murder.


Thin scratched black lines weave their way
around my silhouette
inside my head an itching sensation
everything I thought I knew
I wait
and tracing the line from breastbone to womb
my finger never falters, nor trembles once
I listen
and the truth of me arises like neon daisies

in fields of monochromatic wheat

Written in my body

Written in my body
Narrow your hips and your horizons
for you are too wide
Quieten your voice and your looking
for you are is too loud
kneel and weep and dress yourself
in fragility
for you are is too strong
he holds the baby
lightly,in one hand raised to the sky
and names him son
he doesn’t know how the weight
of a baby in your womb feels
how it doubles with every heartbeat
and never leaves you.
In my body
there is a submission
bones and tendons gently loosening
for the allowing, of being the passage
and a contradiction
of ox strong muscle willing and power
for the leaving and the coming into life
labour and rest
bleeding and building
cycles of creation and death
right here
in my body
how can I not be wide with wisdom,
loud with knowing
a strong and gentle miracle ?

Come ,come my children
gather around
each other, look
at what it is you have forgotten.
You are forgiven
Always and endlessly forgiven
 for you are lost
lost inside your own darkness, ceaselessly
creating stories to contain your confusion.
You carve those little puppets
from your fear and animate them
with ideas and imagination,
you dress them in personality
and then fatally
 name them

Take the hand
of any other, look into their eyes
and  see
there is only
looking back.
Your best self and dearest friend
The one who is only and always
with you
So undress your puppets
watching with kindness and humour
and compassion, their frantic dance
and then laughing, lay your self
at your feet.

Who am I ?

It is Immovable
unaffected by any hurricane
or teardrop

It does not want

It is full and empty
always moving and still
its action is wisdom
its silence is beauty
its intention is love

I can only say place
It is no place as defined by geography
I can only say space
It is no space as defined by physics
I can only say I
It is no I as defined by any kind of separation from any other

It is home

Sunday 26 June 2016



Don't tell me
it's a mental pursuit,
all in my head, when
the word spout
was right there, in the bed
with me this morning.
sibilant, sensuous S, sine wave,uncoiling energy into the soft pot bellied P
that held it tenuously.
before the slow spilling au sounding OU
which holds the all of everything in its holy sound,
and the energy flicked, ticked T.
my body 
drew the shape of it
I felt it in the pout of my lips
not the 'outpour' phrase that they use in the news,

that I hate,
but the fountain sprout from our mouths
that destroys or creates
everything before us.

Saturday 25 June 2016


Allotment : ( uh-lot-muh-nt )
: a share granted
: a plot of land rented to a gardener

penny poor and joy
expectant, stumbling
into your arms I greet
thumb thick tangled brambles
two metres high.
undug, undone, undunged
weed smothered, covered with unwanted
crouching grass holding on whatever, through
wild conversations with unforgiving nature.

drunk slump shed
like me, weathered into
just about functional submission
windows missing, leaking life
I will breathe you back
into some shabby sheltering,
quirkly attractive.

sighing salvation comes
in many mysterious ways
but I have gloves and secateurs
and a deep adoring love of rust.
left for rotten
corner hidden
sunlight slanted like a hint,
what gnarled knuckle hand
held and delved for another kind of victory
with this ancient fork I hold aloft
with a laughing treasure-found shout.

From a meadowsweet mouth...

From a meadowsweet mouth a spill of promises…

Old soldiers are mustering at my borders,
muttering fork tongued manoeuvres, brandishing
their certainties in my direction.
But I tell you now,
there will be no war on my land.
No frowning lines will mark my soil,
the only horizontals here will be the laying down
of deep earthy browns into winter's waiting arms.
No shining steel will dare to slice
the nestling nematodes that nurture
any tiny web of roots to growth.

Instead, there will be promises of blue, a lush of layered greens, a kiss of red.
White frothing sweeps of lacewing petticoats, and tangy garlanding of herbs.
Here there will be, for a soft eye,
only gentle, sweeping curves.
A graceful willowing for the sweet and the green, an open invitation
to any wing and generous leavings for the carapace ones.
From here, we will understand the patience of rain, smell the sighing mist,
find the languorous, full bellied fruition of a September Sunday.
Summer shouts, as loud as sunflowers, will rise above the dreary, daily bending,
for I will practise the soft art of fruiting fresh breezes and billowing beds
and I will stitch myself a capacious apron for the gathering in,
I spit the seeds from the mouth of Eve
and sow a song of heaven right here,
in this garden of a life.



Peppered earth and wood smoke
herald your presence
behind me,
so slight the turn
 and tilt of my head.
 An invitation.
 An offering.

Your hair redolent
 with sea salt tang
touches my cheek.
Clover stroke .
Raspberry down lips
 dry brush my throat,
your bent head
a tender blessing,
 blossom  bruised by air.

With the smell
of damson still sweet
on your breath,
you whisper,
and cinnamon scented echoes

fill my head.

A Sigh and a Feather

A Sigh and a Feather
A long time ago, in a faraway place
an angel fell to earth
she learned
that there is only silence
when angels fall, there is no sound,
Explosion of Anger
no Shout
of Explanation
only falling

she learned that disappointment
can be a Cruelly Mute
and that sometimes,
carries disapproval
ln it's
Terrible Hush.

All she had
was the soft rush
of the wind that she took for a sigh
and one


Friday 15 January 2016

Reasons for Blogging No. 4

I'm a cat person.
I'm a mid range introvert that why..
I love their containment, intuition ,mystery, their sensuality. 
and the fact they love sleeping in the warmest, cosiest place they can find.

I heard : what you see in the world is yourself reflected back.
That explains it then...
'tho I may appear aloof at times ( you just dont understand me ) I'm the affectionate kind of cat that will jump into almost any suitable lap 
after Ive checked out who you really are  or if you have cake.

During a very busy time in my life Lebowski cat would  slide himself under my hand, wriggle into my conversations and stupidly (I thought)  try to sit on my lap when I was in the bathroom taking a pee.
I now  interpret this bathroom behaviour as the intelligent universe trying to tell me to slow down, that this small black messenger-of-the-gods  was trying to tell me to relax,
take some time and my attention to smell the roses.

Now I have  a dog...I must have said yes... I know I said yes.. well anyway...
well here's Charlie

and yes, the universe is kind, he is a chilled, older guy, amazingly loving and wisely intelligent ..But I am thrust into the alarmingly extrovert  world of dogs.
Their sometimes inane exuberance and enthusiasm exaughsts me, their uncouth behaviour puzzles.. me but is that wise old universe now telling me something different...?

I need to get out more ..
It's true... ask anyone.. I need to be more social...  lets face it Ive been  hibernating ..
I need to reconnect with the wonder and joy thats lurking beneath
I need to take deep breaths of fresh air and play.
Im listening universe..
So Im getting my boots on and walking out into the world....metaphorically and literally.

Come on Charlie..get your very annoying high pitched squeaky squealing tormented ball
thing.....lets go ..
but just so you know..
Im not sniffing any bottoms....